1st Annual Entrepreneurship Competition Award Program Closing

On March 9, 2018, in the presence of the Students body of the Bahir Dar University – Institute of Technology students, faculty members, invited guests and winners of the 1st ASC Engineering Entrepreneurship Development Award, the program came to conclusion. During the event, Mr. Behailu Assefa founder of ASC Engineering Service and Terra Global Energy Developers made a heart-felt commencement speech that energized the young students. Here is the detail of his speech:

Eng. Behailu Assefa
Founder / Managing Director
ASC Engineering Service and Terra Global Energy Developers

It is my great pleasure to be present in person to share this extraordinary time, particularly on this day when I share my experience, expertise and finance to make my contribution as Ethiopian Diaspora from USA. I would like to thank the faculty members of both Universities from Bahir Dar and Debre Berhan University for their unyielding effort in their involvement and organizing this event to celebrate our winners of the 1st ASC Entrepreneurial Engineering Award from both institutions.

The Thirty-five years of work experience in USA and around the globe gives me unshakable faith, vision and unrelenting confidence to make positive change happen in my birth country of Ethiopia. I bring emotion, energy and passion to this opportunity that is extended to you to dream and make something happen to yourselves, your family and your country of Ethiopia

Over the last 7 years I am engaged in the development of renewable energy projects (wind and Solar) in the Debra Berhan and Kobo regions of Ethiopia as 1st African American, African and Ethiopian diaspora Energy developer. It is this commitment that inspired me to the creation of ASC Engineering Entrepreneurship Development focused on the University and College students in Ethiopia. My Vision is to do more by creating capacity and knowledge based programs for the young people so that they could be more empowered to make greater contributions to the society and the Country.

Almost half of the 10 million graduates churned out of the over 668 universities in Africa and the 100,000 students from Ethiopia yearly do not get job, the unemployment in Africa for graduating students is 50%. Using this number how do we move forward addressing this major issue and concerns in our continent and country?

I view such engagement as the means to escape poverty, to obtain gainful employment, to create wealth and to raise the standards of living, and to empower the next generation to lead a better life than themselves. And it is rightly so. The surest way to empower an individual is to give him or her an opportunity.

However, the world is changing very fast and the levels of education have gone up considerably across the globe. Thus, even as we celebrate what we have accomplished as a Nation, we must continuously raise the education and skills level of the people so as to be globally competitive, as individuals, as organizations, and as a nation. This way they will contribute to the economic development and improvement of the welfare of the people of Ethiopia, people in the region and in Africa.

ASC Entrepreneurial Program will open the door for universities, agencies and government to create a dialogue and belief that the answer to unemployment need a new paradigm shift thinking of entrepreneurship as the mainstay of economic activity.

I strongly believe entrepreneurship presents the best solution to solving youth and college graduates unemployment in Ethiopia. The idea of youth entrepreneurship as way to restrain swelling unemployment is not an old one, but perhaps it is now being reinvented to entice not just urban young people but rural youths as well.

Entrepreneurship has to become a major priority for Ethiopia, creating an environment where it is easy to start and sustain businesses. This is the roadmap for Ethiopia and developing countries to consider this powerful tool to bring a mindset shift and hope to grow the economy and create jobs that this country sorely needs.” With this introduction, we are opening the doors for the government to be proactive and partner in creating entrepreneurial opportunities to play a key role in reaching the country’s goal of creating jobs of the future generation of our young people.

Government alone can’t solve the challenges facing us today, namely “the college graduates lack of opportunities”, however together we can make a major contribution in solving this danger.

My Philosophy can shift anyone’s life and dramatically elevate the entire nation. Actually, there is no doubt in my mind that what you will achieve in the foreseeable future is limitless and you will be seen as the beacon of hope for the young people of your generation. Don’t forget that the progress and success you made will be watched very closely by many, because you will be the examples for such program to continue moving forward.

Let me conclude this gathering by sending a message of hope: Let us work together in addressing the youth issues as a government official, as university professor, as businessman, as Ethiopian diaspora and as an Ethiopian: it needn’t take much to give someone a leg up in life. It has become contentious to say, “We are in it together”. But we are certainly stronger together.

Finally, thank you all for making the time to be here with us this morning, and most importantly congratulations for the winners and let us pray in this trying time, for God to give us comfort, harmony, peace and understanding to all of us and most importantly to our country Ethiopia.


Winners of 1st Annual ASC Engineering Entrepreneurship Program 

Recipients of 1st ASC Engineering Entrepreneurship Award March 9, 2018

Winners of Proposal 1: Manufacturing of Improved Concrete Block from University of Debra Berhan Alem Assaye, Nigus Temesgen, Ayenew Desibeles, Yohanes Kibru, Mengistu Zeleke

Winners of Proposal 2: Modern Teff Seeder Machine from University of Bahir Dar Abera Molla, Nitsuh Damtie, Assefa negash, Wsihun Adgeh, Sissaye Darichaw

Winners of Proposal 3: Bright Future for Blinds Stick from University of Bahir Dar Andargatchew Gizaw, Yinebeb Gizaw, Melaku Gizaw, Metaferia Gizaw, Habtamu Gizaw

Eng. Behailu Assefa (ASC &TERRA), Ato Dereje Abebe (TERRA) with the winners of the 1st ASC Engineering Entrepreneurship Development competition from Bahir Dar and Debra Berhan University and the faculty of Bahir Dar University.