
Eligibility Requirements for Ventures

  • Submitted ventures should aim to be: financially sustainable or profitable; whether it is a for-profit, non-profit, or hybrid business model, your venture must aim to be self-sufficient on earned revenue.
  • Submitted ventures should be scalable for long term. This criterion will mean different things for each business. Scalability will take into account the potential for growth of the business, both financially and in its social impact.
  • Submitted ventures must have a quantifiable social and/or environmental bottom line incorporated into their mission and practices.
  • Your entry must include a financial analysis as well as a Social Impact Assessment (SIA), including the Social Value Proposition and Social Indicators.
  • Submitted ventures must be from 2018/2019 graduating students from the University of Debra Berhan.
  • ASC has the right to investigate qualifications of ventures to assure that they are truthful and honestly participated in their engagement with us. The lack of trustworthy can affect the longevity and continuity of these ventures.

Eligibility Requirements for Teams

  • Your team must include 5 student minimum working together, current or recent graduates, from any level of higher education (undergraduate, masters level/graduate, or doctoral) in any area of study in Ethiopia; It will be preferable to include technical, business and financial background seniors or graduates in a team.
  • Recent students must meet the following criteria:
    • Recent college/University student enrolled as a senior
    • Recent Bachelor’s degree holders must have completed their degree with four (4) years of the application deadline
  • Your team should include a statement describing the student’s level of involvement for each member.

All qualifying students, who will be selected for an interview should have one of the team member be in position to be available to defend the proposal in front of selected judges regarding the proposal merit and excellence.